Kitaro - performs at Onbashira Festival
Kitaro Official Artist Page
Onbashira Festival
- Kitaro dedication for Goshinki -
Gaia Onbashira is a musical exploration of respect and how it relates to ancient traditions. Gaia loosely translates to Goddess of the Earth or Mother Earth and Onbashira is a festival that occurs every seven years in Japan. During the Onbashira festival, eight individuals are chosen for spiritually cleansing. The participants ascend a mountain and attempt to spiritually connect with the heavens through the trees. These trees are then allowed to fall down the mountain and eventually become posts and the foundation of a ceremonial shrine. Through these events, these individuals learn to become more in touch with their spirits.
諏訪大社七年に一度の天下の大祭り「御柱祭」起源は平安時代以前と伝わる。長野県指定無形民俗文化財。喜多郎氏は日本の伝統文化を積極的に楽曲に取り入れ、世界に発信しつづけている。1998年深い精神世界を映し出した「Gaia Onbashira」はグラミー賞にノミネートされた。2010年御柱祭オフィシャルアーティストとして、御柱祭を目前に控え、横たわるご神木に敬意と感謝と祷りを込めて、御諏訪太鼓を奉納演奏した。朝未だ明けぬ未明、気温0℃の山に、力強い太鼓は鳴り響いた。