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Spidey Gets Angsty! | Marvel LEGO: Maximum Overload | Episode 5 (FINALE)

7 vistas· 03/23/19
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MARVEL LEGO Avengers: Maximum Overload - Episode 5

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Out of a desire to gain the throne of Asgard, and a bit of boredom, Loki overloads the powers of various villains starting with Doc Ock. Spider-Man must defeat Doc Ock and Venom all while dealing with his teenage spider-angst.

Meanwhile, Iron Man must keep the destruction caused by the Mandarin’s missiles and a fight between the Hulk and Abomination to a minimum. To defeat all these overloaded villains Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must band together to defeat Loki.

Producer Shaun says, "Who doesn't get angsty?"

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