
9 vistas · 6 años hace

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Jimmy Wales is recognized as the creator of the most important collaborative project in the world: Wikipedia. An online encyclopedia that is published in two hundred and eighty-eight languages and that has more than forty-six million articles. Among other awards, in 2015 she received the Princess of Asturias Award for international cooperation for her contribution to the promotion and dissemination of knowledge to humanity. Jimmy Wales is passionate about education, especially about the possibilities that informal learning currently offers for the education of people. Named the sixth most influential person in the world, Wales argues that in part thanks to technology, learning goes beyond college or university, and points to the need to continue learning throughout life.


5 vistas · 6 años hace

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The PISA report evaluates the performance of students in language, science and mathematics in more than 70 countries. In this report, Portugal is the only European country that has improved its educational level since the year 2000. How has Portugal become the best student in Europe? We traveled to the Public School of Carcavelos in Lisbon to learn first-hand about the professors and students who are playing a leading role in this silent revolution of Portuguese education. A school in which it is forbidden to send homework. A school in which you can not repeat until the 3rd of ESO so as not to encourage demotivation. And in which "soft skills" such as teamwork or public speaking are especially important in the belief that school can change people's lives.


20 vistas · 6 años hace

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Sugata Mitra is internationally famous when TED, an organization that promotes technology, education, and design, chose his conference as the most inspiring and with the most potential change of the year 2013. His story is the story of a young and brilliant physicist who almost 20 years ago placed a computer with an Internet connection on the wall of a suburb of New Delhi, near his office, and asked himself, would they get those uneducated children learn for themselves? The recordings of the camera hidden in that place discovered to the professor Mitra that the children played with the computer, they learned to use it and in addition, they taught to others without the intervention of any adult. His story was called "Hole in the Wall" and inspired part of the plot of the Oscar-winning film, 'Slumdog Millionaire'. Mitra advanced his research of what he termed as minimally invasive education and reproduced the test elsewhere in India and the world. The results? The self-learning capacity of children with the use of the Internet and new technologies is surprising. Today, its educational proposal is known as SOLE (acronym of Self Organized Learning Environments).


8 vistas · 6 años hace

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In the following video, the physicist and scientific popularizer Ranga Yogeshwar supports the need for an education that goes beyond reaching the goal, an education that serves as a vehicle to become the person we would like to be. "Education is much more than learning something to have a job, it gives us a vision of the world”.


10 vistas · 6 años hace

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Matt Goldman is internationally known for being one of the three members, and co-founders, of the New York theater company 'Blue Man Group'. With lighting, percussion and their innovative performances, the 'Blue Men' frequently deal with cultural, satirical and social issues. The 'Blue School' integrates, American pedagogue, Benjamin S. Bloom’s three fundamental elements: creative thought, self and social intelligence, and 'academic mastery".


6 vistas · 6 años hace

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In the next video, Adam Alter, psychologist, and lecturer in the Psychology Department at the New York University show the mechanisms of an addictive behavior to explain how to do a good use of technology and mitigate its negative effects in the relationships with our children.

How can we live with technological devices such as mobile phones, which perform such an important role in our lives? He holds that the interaction with technology when our children are in front of us is the best example for them because “the children consider interesting what their parents are paying attention to”, he warns.


7 vistas · 6 años hace

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In the next video, Adam Alter, psychologist, and lecturer in the Psychology Department at the New York University show the mechanisms of an addictive behavior to explain how to do a good use of technology and mitigate its negative effects in the relationships with our children.

How can we live with technological devices such as mobile phones, which perform such an important role in our lives? He holds that the interaction with technology when our children are in front of us is the best example for them because “the children consider interesting what their parents are paying attention to”, he warns.


9 vistas · 6 años hace

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Santiago Moll, el autor del libro 'Empantallados. Cómo convivir con hijos digitales', proporciona en este video algunas pautas, orientaciones y recomendaciones a padres y educadores para que las nuevas tecnologías y el buen uso de dispositivos electrónicos se conviertan en un aliado para el desarrollo de los más jóvenes. Las posibilidades del aprendizaje electrónico, la gestión del tiempo o las técnicas de estudio en esta era de la dispersión de la atención y la infoxicación, son algunos de los temas que Moll trata con espíritu divulgativo.

Profesor de Secundaria durante casi 20 años, Santiago Moll se define como un apasionado de las nuevas tecnologías. Actualmente compagina la docencia y la formación presencial y online con su faceta de bloguero en 'Justifica tu respuesta', un espacio web educativo. Santiago Moll promueve una educación digital efectiva y afectiva para "un mundo seguro e incierto, sí, pero también desafiante y apasionante".


9 vistas · 6 años hace

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Matt Goldman is internationally known for being one of the three members, and co-founders, of the New York theater company 'Blue Man Group'. With lighting, percussion and their innovative performances, the 'Blue Men' frequently deal with cultural, satirical and social issues. The 'Blue School' integrates, American pedagogue, Benjamin S. Bloom’s three fundamental elements: creative thought, self and social intelligence, and 'academic mastery".


9 vistas · 6 años hace

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Elizabeth Kilbey, psychologist and writer, is the most well-known face of the British television series "The secret life of children", where she analyzes the behavior of the children between 4 and 6 years old who participate in the program. She recently published 'Disconnected Children', a book that shows the challenges that parents face in the digital age and provides the necessary tools to ensure that the time our children spend in front of a device does not become a problem.


7 vistas · 6 años hace

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Frances Jensen, neuroscientist, believes that teenagers are “learning machines”. In her latest book, ‘The Teenage Brain’, this neurologist also draws upon her experience as a mother of two adolescents. “I decided to write it when I realized that we were living an experiment at home”, she affirms.


11 vistas · 6 años hace

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Silvia Álava es especialista en Psicología Educativa y Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. Es autora de libros como "Queremos que crezcan felices", "Cuentos para comer sin cuentos" y "La psicología que nos ayuda a vivir”, donde proporciona recursos y pautas que aplica en su experiencia clínica como terapeuta especializada en psicología infantil.

En este video Silvia Álava aborda temas muy prácticos como mejorar las relaciones de confianza entre padres e hijos, cómo prevenir conductas machistas y educar en igualdad, cómo ayudar a nuestros hijos en situaciones de ansiedad ante los exámenes, cómo ayudar a nuestros hijos con los deberes y las claves para que los niños aprendan a solucionar conflictos entre iguales.


12 vistas · 6 años hace

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In the following video, the psychiatrist and professor Daniel J. Siegel give us the keys to fight false beliefs about adolescence. “Adolescence is as baffling as it is special because it has an emotional spark; it is a moment of social connection and a search for novelty


9 vistas · 6 años hace

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In this video, Tim Elmore explains the differences between born and circumstantial leaders, who are those who only lead at specific times. Moreover, he details the mistakes which we make in the education. “we take few risks, help quickly, flatter too easily and reward with the minimum”, the author claims.

Time Elmore is a popular North American writer, coach, and expert in the millennial generation. He is the founder of Growing Leaders, a non-profit organization based in Atlanta (USA), made up to develop from education the skills related to leadership.


10 vistas · 6 años hace

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In the following video, Chris Hadfield, one of the most experienced astronauts in the world, shares with us what he has learned from life in space. Having spent almost 4.000 hours in space, as commander of the International Space Station, he directed a record number of scientific experiments. When he was only nine, his life changed with Neil Armstrong’s “one small step for man”, and he decided that he would also be an astronaut someday.


10 vistas · 6 años hace

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Duncan Wardle worked for thirty years for one of the most creative companies in the world: Disney. In this video, he explains that all people are born being creative. But at some point, someone told us we were not. And we believed them. Wardle insists on the importance of connecting again with the child we were and recovering creativity in all areas of our life.


7 vistas · 6 años hace

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Kiran Bir Sethi tell us how she founded her groundbreaking Riverside School in India to teach kids life's most valuable lesson: The "I can." spirit. after which she founded Design for Change, a movement that encourages children's creativity and initiative to solve problems in their environment, and which is currently present in more than 60 countries.

11 vistas · 6 años hace

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Nando López es uno de los dramaturgos y novelistas españoles jóvenes más sobresalientes de su generación. La literatura de este escritor finalista del Premio Nadal, está muy relacionada con el universo joven y adolescente que conoce bien gracias a sus más de diez años como profesor en un instituto público y a sus numerosos encuentros literarios con estudiantes de secundaria y bachillerato.

Entre sus temas destacan la educación, la intolerancia, la homofobia así como los conflictos más cotidianos de la realidad adolescente y juvenil. "Si me dieran marcha atrás en el tiempo, solo tengo claro que cambiaría una cosa y es que con 15 años hablaría, porque además tenía el entorno para hablar, pero me pudo el miedo", reflexiona en el siguiente vídeo. El profesor insiste en que educar en la igualdad y la convivencia es el arma principal de construcción de un futuro próspero para la sociedad: “Educar en la igualdad es ir al corazón de la verdadera educación”.

Autor de novelas como “La edad de la ira” o “Malditos #16” la literatura de Nando López es un canto a la igualdad, a la libertad y a la diversidad; una invitación para que se escuche la voz de los jóvenes. Una de sus últimas obras es “Nadie nos oye”, novela en la que sumerge al lector en algunos de los problemas más acuciantes de nuestra sociedad. El autor, se declara un firme creyente del poder de la literatura para, si no cambiar la realidad, sí obligar al lector a reflexionar sobre ella: “Estoy firmemente convencido de que la literatura es una forma de romper nuestra soledad, de romper nuestros miedos y de construirnos, de ser más libres”, concluye.


8 vistas · 6 años hace

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La socióloga Marina Subirats es uno de los mayores referentes en educación en igualdad, coeducación y feminismo en España. La experta plantea una nueva etapa alejada del androcentrismo con la desaparición de los géneros y la construcción de una sociedad que valore de la misma forma lo que se atribuye a los hombres y las mujeres: Si durante milenios se ha destacado la figura masculina y las mujeres tienden a imitar sus comportamientos, ahora hay que "abrir a los hombres el mundo femenino”. "El feminismo es un movimiento de liberación de mujeres… pero también de hombres”, concluye Subirats.

Experta en educación en igualdad, Marina Subirats es catedrática emérita de Sociología de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y una de las referentes del feminismo y la coeducación en España durante las últimas tres décadas. Desde los años 80 ha investigado la evolución de los modelos sociales que diferencian a niños y niñas desde su nacimiento y continúan durante su etapa escolar y su futuro laboral. Como experta en sociología de la educación ha publicado, entre otros libros, Forjar un hombre, moldear una mujer y Coeducación, apuesta por la libertad. “Uno de los problemas que tenemos en nuestra sociedad es el androcentrismo, que destaca la figura masculina. La nueva etapa consiste en la desaparición de los géneros y la construcción de una cultura no androcéntrica, que valore por igual lo que se atribuye a hombres y mujeres ”, propone Subirats.

La socióloga afirma que además del reto del acceso universal a la educación, es el momento de revisar los modelos masculinos que inconscientemente se transmiten desde la escuela y la familia, y destaca una importante reflexión: “Si pides algo a la hija, pídeselo también al hijo y valóralo igual. El feminismo es un movimiento de liberación de mujeres pero también de hombres”, concluye Marina Subirats.


7 vistas · 6 años hace

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In the following video, Wagner states that the true challenge is for children to have real options, that they can experiment and collaborate with each other. "Being prepared for the age of innovation requires that children learn to work collaboratively, that they learn to think critically, learn to communicate effectively, and how to solve problems creatively." As an educator, Wagner asks why we continue to inculcate in children that everyone has to study higher education, when many people do not have, or need a university degree. "You have to prepare young people to be active and informed citizens," the researcher concludes.


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