Pope Francis speaks in the occasion of 75th anniversary of Taizé [with subtitles]
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Pope Francis speaks in the occasion of 75th anniversary of Taizé
General audience, 19 August 2015
Domani la comunità di Taizé compie 75 anni. Desidero rivolgere il mio saluto, accompagnato dalla preghiera, ai fratelli monaci nel ricordo dell’amato fondatore frère Roger Schutz, di cui proprio tre giorni fa abbiamo ricordato il 10.mo anniversario della morte. Buon cammino alla comunità di Taizé!
Tomorrow the Community of Taizé will turn 75 years.
I would like to extend my greeting, accompanied by prayer, to the brother monks in memory of the beloved founder Brother Roger Schutz, whose tenth anniversary of the death we remembered three days ago. Safe journey to the Community of Taizé!
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