Top Vídeos
ОНМ на БНР, хор "Космически гласове" и хор на ФА „Тракия" с диригент Димитър Христов - "Тьонка Еленку".
Концерт, посветен на 70-годишнината от рождението на Стефан Мутафчиев, 22.04.2013, Студио 1 на БНР
Folklore Music Orchestra at the Bulgarian National Radio, Cosmic Voices choir and folklore ensemble Trakia's choir with conductor Dimitar Hristov perform "Tyonka Elenku".
A concert honouring Stefan Mutafchiev's 70th anniversary, 22 April 2013, Studio 1 of the Bulgarian National Radio
Хор "Космически гласове" с диригент Ваня Монева на финал и с първа награда от международния хоров конкурс "Нека пеят народите", 2015г, Мюнхен
Cosmic Voices choir conducted by Vanya Moneva perform and win first prize at the International Choir Festival "Let the Peoples Sing", Munich 2015
Народен хор Космически гласове на концерта на лауреатите на Музикант на годината 2011 на 2 април 2012г.
Third verse of Sri Siksastakam
Performed by Cosmic Voices from Bulgaria - Bulgarian professional female folk choir
Album: Sweet Separation
Cosmic Voices from Bulgaria & Interstellar Artchestra
trinad api sunichena
taror api sahishnuna
amanina manadena
kirtaniyah sada harih
One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and should be ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly.
Музика, соло кавал и текст Теодосий Спасов
Хор "Космически гласове" с диригент Ваня Монева
Theodosii Spassov- music, kaval, lyrics
Cosmic Voices choir
Vanya Moneva- conductor
Vesselin Eko Vesselinov- bas
Peyo Peev- rebek
Krassimir Kondov- bulgarian bagpipe
Angel Dimitrov- guitar & tambura
Stoyan Yankulov- drums & tupane
Hristo Yotsov- percusions
Yulian Yanoushev- sax & clarinet
Angel Zaberski Jr.- piano
Teodosii Spasov
"Beautiful Milka" performed by Bulgarian State Radio & Television Female Vocal Choir. Bulgarian traditional folk song. "Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares"
2009, Internet Presentation FRB Consulting Inc.
Cosmic Voices Choir conducted by Vanya Moneva
Join Bulgarian Folklore Remixes on Facebook :
Music: J. Berthier
Lyrics: Ps 113,2
Photos: mostartaize
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Хор "Космически гласове" и хор на ФА „Тракия" с диригент Димитър Христов - "Брала мома ружа цвете".
Концерт, посветен на 70-годишнината от рождението на Стефан Мутафчиев, 22.04.2013, Студио 1 на БНР
Cosmic Voices choir and folklore ensemble Trakia's choir with conductor Dimitar Hristov perform "Brala moma ruzha tsvete".
A concert honouring Stefan Mutafchiev's 70th anniversary, 22 April 2013, Studio 1 of the Bulgarian National Radio
(22 Aug 2016) LEAD IN:
A unique traditional cosmic ritual has taken place on a wide plateau of Bulgaria's blustery Rila Mountain.
The White Brotherhood was founded in the late 19th century and, according to the teachings of its founder, mid-August marks the beginning of the New Year.
On the windy surfaces of Bulgaria's Rila Mountain, followers of the White Brotherhood gather for a unique, annual cosmic ritual.
According to the teachings of Petar Danov, the founder of the brotherhood, the 19 August marks the beginning of the New Year.
That leads these followers to converge on this wide mountain plateau, around 2,100 metres (6,900 feet) above sea level.
Through a mixture of rhythmic meditation exercises and spiritual songs, they celebrate the passing of the summer season and the beginning of a new year.
The highlight of the day is this so-called "paneurhythmy" dance, a ritual which sees thousands of pilgrims form large concentric circles.
It's intended to symbolise the movement of the stars and planets.
In groups of two, performers move in circles, following the rhythm of the music.
One participant, 45-year-old professional dance instructor Nantika Verkooijen Lopez from Peru, is attending the "paneurhythmy" for the first time.
Having performed the dance in her native country for years, she's delighted to finally take part in Bulgaria.
"Well, this is a cosmic celebration for me. It's (the) first time I'm here and I danced the Paneurytmya already for five years in Peru. I teach the Paneurythmya in Peru," says Nantika.
"It is a very precious dance. It's a light dance and it means a lot for the world, for the humanity, for the new world. So, for me it is a combination of meditation and dance and happiness and singing and altogether it's marvellous."
Sometimes - such as this year - followers can face unpleasant weather at these altitudes, but they must ignore the sweeping wind and rain to complete the ritual.
Followers believe mountains are a symbol of the divine world, and Rila Mountain in southern Bulgaria is said to energise worshippers with spiritual powers.
White Brotherhood followers place a heavy emphasis on brotherly love, a healthy diet and living in harmony with nature.
"Happy Holidays to everyone. Today we celebrate the new divine year," says Angela Angelova, a German language teacher and Paneurhythmy instructor.
"We celebrate it with this wonderful divine dance of light - Paneurhythmy. Paneurhythmy is sacred.
"In the circle of Paneurhythmy we step in with a sacred awe, because we know that Paneurhythmy means higher cosmic rhythm.
"Playing Paneurhythmy helps us to enter into harmony with that supreme cosmic rhythm and becoming fellow workers, God's servants and workers of light."
The "paneurhythmy" - which means universal cosmic rhythm - lasts for around one hour and takes place at sun rise.
Music is played on various instruments, but priority is given to the violin.
"We play Paneurhythmy here, this is a sacred dance, a meditation in a motion," explains a 65-year-old musician, Petar Ganev.
"You can see it here, the way we formed concentric circles, symbolising the Sun. Our aim is to reach to the cosmic rhythm of our Solar system."
Now over 100-years-old, the White Brotherhood movement has survived challenging times. It was banned under Bulgaria's communist regime.
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Bath Music Festival 2008
The Great Voices of Bulgaria - Mixed choir
Conductor Ilia Mihaylov
Comp. Strumski
Музика, соло кавал и вокал Теодосий Спасов
Хор "Космически гласове" с диригент Ваня Монева
Theodosii Spassov- music, kaval, vocal
Cosmic Voices choir
Vanya Moneva- conductor
Yulian Yanoushev- sax & clarinet
Angel Zaberski Jr.- piano
Angel Dimitrov- guitar & tambura
Peyo Peev- rebek
Krassimir Kondov- bulgarian bagpipe
Vesselin Eko Vesselinov- bas
Stoyan Yankulov- drums & tupane
Hristo Yotsov- percusions
Teodosii Spasov
На 28 март 2015 година, от 19:00 часа в зала „България“ Софийска филхармония ще представи един различен поглед към българския самобитен фолклор в концерта „Песенни реликви“.
Събитието, под диригентството на Ганчо Гавазов, е с участието на женски народен хор „Космически гласове от България“. Солисти ще бъдат оперната певица Ина Кънчева, Недялко Недялков (кавал), Пейо Пеев (гъдулка), Петьо Костадинов (гайда), Валери Димчев (тамбура) и др.
Билети на касите на зала "България", както и на
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The Village Square · Bulgarian Voices
Bulgarian Voices
℗ 2001 CineVu/NuMedia
Released on: 2016-07-01
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